카테고리 없음


aman oliver 2022. 12. 12. 19:47


Therefore, any artistic interpretation of history, particularly abstract works of art like Picasso's Guernica (1937) (Figure 3), which only depict the agony and destruction wrought and not the Second World War itself, could be viewed as untrue and erroneous. This duality is extremely limited and problematic for two reasons: first, authenticity does not only deal with facts or science, and second, art plays a crucial role in assisting us in comprehending difficult and upsetting issues. When it comes to historical events, it can be challenging to understand the exact mechanics of what transpired. This is so because an event's experience encompasses not only the events' chronological order but also the mental state of those who experienced it. Thus, their background and how that incident affected their life. Even though they could appear to conflict with one another, both types of history might be genuine, and the truth of one does not preclude the truth of the other. This is due to the fact that there are always many or subjective realities rather than a single genuine reality. Because of this, many historical moments are much more than the individual events that make them up, and as a result, they cannot be adequately represented using only the facts. Because of this, art plays a crucial and powerful function in acting as a forum for addressing and discussing certain enigmatic issues.

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