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aman oliver 2022. 12. 12. 19:51


Although they were frequently the themes of art throughout Western history, women have hardly ever been acknowledged as artistic agents or subjects, and in her article Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? Because of the western European idea of the Great Artist, who "is conceived as one who has 'Genius,'; Genius, in turn, is thought of as an atemporal and mysterious power somehow embedded in the person of the Great Artist," many women have been excluded from recognised art, according to feminist art historian Linda Nochlin (2018). (p.153). Ideals of originality, uniqueness, and autonomous thought were connected to the Genius; these traits were only associated with men. Because they were associated with femininity and domesticity, decorative arts like knitting and needlework were devalued and viewed as merely useful activities. Women's textiles were perceived as primarily functional items that were restricted to the private and domestic spheres and did not meet the standards to enter the definition of fine art; instead, a creation had to be the result of a specific artistic intent that aimed for aesthetic pleasure and was created for public display.

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